"Time flies when you're... doing work, getting attacked by bugs, and hiking up muddy trails"
Learning how to use sketch up.
Today we learned how to use sketch up and its okay I guess. I don't really understand how to use it that well like my other coworkers but it takes practice to make perfect. Were just playing around with it today and making things for fun. But there's something coming where we might have to use it in the future.
taylor lambeth.
Final Week
Being at Temple for the past couple of weeks made me feel independent. Why being at Temple made me feel independent is because we had to learn all the diffrent place around temple by are self. A past couple of weeks are mentor Feng took us to a destanation which we did not no and had to retrace are steps. Retracing are steps actually turned out being fun because we knew are way back.
Final Presentation
The Ending Week
Nerves of Steal
The bitS summer programs started about a month ago, an I would say that I have gotten accustom to seeing the people in my group everyday. However, the day my group had to present our PowerPoint projects to each other I found myself a little to nervous and rattled. Public speaking is a very common fear but I did know my fear was that intense, though the faces in front of me were familiar I felt as if I was speaking in a crowed room full of strangers. In fact there were only about ten or twelve people in the room... I guess my nerves made me delusional as well as shaky(lol).
To prepare for the presentation I had to give I wrote out all of the things I planned on saying, and little notes to myself to mentions things I did not get a chance to write down. In theory that was probably one of the best ways to aid myself, however, that idea failed almost entirely seeing that I was even to nervous to read my paper with without shuddering and stammering. Hopefully with more practice and preparation the next time I have to present this PowerPoint project, it will not go so badly as my first attempt.
Mud and worms and spiders OH MY!!!
Though, I am very aware bugs and mud are apart of nature I am not sure if I want to be apart of their icky and honestly gross playground. The past few times we went to Wissahickon Park, our group traveled mainly on pavement or grass, only encountering a few bugs and mud patches. However, yesterday was a COMPLETELY different experience, our group went threw actual wooded areas with gooey spots the was posing as ground which made the hike up the steep rocks just a tad bit harder. As we climbed and attempted to keep up with the entire group, trees and shrubbery seem to attack and smack us as if they were Venus fly traps. To say that the trip through the trails was fun would be a complete lie, it was a sweaty dirty journey that I would never like to go through again. However, if being one with nature is something you would like to experience i would definitely recommend traveling to the Wissahickon Trails.
The Wissahickon woods
Hiking in the Wissahickon woods was very exhausting. Its was a very hot day so it was tough getting up the steep hill. The thing that i mostly relied on was my water which was my life saver. It was dangerous if you where not looking to see what you're walking on because you can easily trip over and hurt yourself. There was also a chance of getting dirty because of the mud puddle that's on the trail. There is a lot of improvements needed to be made in order to make the park better.