"Time flies when you're... doing work, getting attacked by bugs, and hiking up muddy trails"
Learning how to use sketch up.
Today we learned how to use sketch up and its okay I guess. I don't really understand how to use it that well like my other coworkers but it takes practice to make perfect. Were just playing around with it today and making things for fun. But there's something coming where we might have to use it in the future.
taylor lambeth.
Final Week
Being at Temple for the past couple of weeks made me feel independent. Why being at Temple made me feel independent is because we had to learn all the diffrent place around temple by are self. A past couple of weeks are mentor Feng took us to a destanation which we did not no and had to retrace are steps. Retracing are steps actually turned out being fun because we knew are way back.
Final Presentation
The Ending Week
Nerves of Steal
The bitS summer programs started about a month ago, an I would say that I have gotten accustom to seeing the people in my group everyday. However, the day my group had to present our PowerPoint projects to each other I found myself a little to nervous and rattled. Public speaking is a very common fear but I did know my fear was that intense, though the faces in front of me were familiar I felt as if I was speaking in a crowed room full of strangers. In fact there were only about ten or twelve people in the room... I guess my nerves made me delusional as well as shaky(lol).
To prepare for the presentation I had to give I wrote out all of the things I planned on saying, and little notes to myself to mentions things I did not get a chance to write down. In theory that was probably one of the best ways to aid myself, however, that idea failed almost entirely seeing that I was even to nervous to read my paper with without shuddering and stammering. Hopefully with more practice and preparation the next time I have to present this PowerPoint project, it will not go so badly as my first attempt.
Mud and worms and spiders OH MY!!!
Though, I am very aware bugs and mud are apart of nature I am not sure if I want to be apart of their icky and honestly gross playground. The past few times we went to Wissahickon Park, our group traveled mainly on pavement or grass, only encountering a few bugs and mud patches. However, yesterday was a COMPLETELY different experience, our group went threw actual wooded areas with gooey spots the was posing as ground which made the hike up the steep rocks just a tad bit harder. As we climbed and attempted to keep up with the entire group, trees and shrubbery seem to attack and smack us as if they were Venus fly traps. To say that the trip through the trails was fun would be a complete lie, it was a sweaty dirty journey that I would never like to go through again. However, if being one with nature is something you would like to experience i would definitely recommend traveling to the Wissahickon Trails.
The Wissahickon woods
Hiking in the Wissahickon woods was very exhausting. Its was a very hot day so it was tough getting up the steep hill. The thing that i mostly relied on was my water which was my life saver. It was dangerous if you where not looking to see what you're walking on because you can easily trip over and hurt yourself. There was also a chance of getting dirty because of the mud puddle that's on the trail. There is a lot of improvements needed to be made in order to make the park better.

"How much nature matter"
As of yesterday me and my group2 went on an adventure out in the wilderness. On that day we seen things we didn't exspect to see good and bad, for instance a cave,insects,dead plants, knock down trees, erosions. The cave we seen was not but to big inside but was signifying to look at. In the cave was crosses an a rake hmmmm?. As we continue are journey we went way up into the wilderness seeing many insects. There was commotion between ants,warms, mosquitoes, and alot more. You may think thats an everyday thing to see, but you have to carefully look at the insects work, for an example the mating, grouping food,bathing and plenty more. Adventually we reach the top of the hill seeing alot! Suddenly I look at my surroundings seeing deads vegatation. It was awful to look at knowing we actually need those vegatations. Coming back down the hill we seen and erosion remaining from before seeing how it slighty dried up. Leaving the park I just realize how much "nature" matter.
Trail Park
Are day at the park.
Wednesday July 29, 2009
My group and I went to the wissahickion park and walked the bike trails throughout out the park.
While walking these bike trails we hiked up hills, and down some. The hills was not my favorite but I had to praticapte. On this bike trail we stopped at the historic areas there, we took pictures and so forth. Al through I don't care for parks it was a good day until the rain came about. Then we lefted the park to go back home and that was our day at work.
taylor lambeth.
Trail Dayz
Trip to wissahickon park
Our trip to wissahickon park was fun and hot. We went hiking though a trail and saw various plants including a hermit's cave. We also saw a memorial and some thing hapened and it made us scared so we left. I think that wissahickon park is very interesting I saw historical sites ,hiking trails, bike trails ,and walking trails. After we left the park I got to make a video about what we did that day. If I could fix the park I would make a trail for the handicap
and I'm pretty shore that they would like to take a littile roll in the park.
Trails in the Wissahickon.
Wednesday July 29, 2009, on another hot and humid day, our group and many others once again took a trip to the Wissahickon park. This trip was not like the others, on this trip we hiked on one of the trails in the park. An extraordinary walk in the forest, observing plant life and signs of erosion. this trip was like no other.The groups made stop along the trail at a landmark that was there since the the mid 1600's. Although the area where we were walking was known as a trail, many of it seemed to be man made. As we walked along, I began to notice that along the path that we were walking on, were paths that didn't seem to be lead anywhere.I believe that those paths that lead off the trails, were formed by people trying to find shortcuts or maybe their own why out. Once we entered the trail passing the entrance sign, there where no more signs. Few marking on trees made by those who might use the trails often, are probably used as indicators of where they are. I believe that the trails should have more signs on it and more that one way of getting to a destination. Such as if the paths leading off the sides of the trails were made into real trails then it may be easier to travel on the trails. The trip was overall exhausting, but still exciting.
The best Of Walking
Yesterday was the best walk so far in the Wissahickon to me. We walked up trails that were fun, dirty, adventurous, and it did not seem like we were there for a long time because there were so much fun walking up and down hills. At first when we were walking I thought to myself whats the purpose of walking the same walk as we did the last time but then when we got to the trial and it surprised me to see that such a little entrance can lead to a big trail. As I walked I walked looking down toward the ground because I did not want to trip on and trees.Then I had start to notice that as I got farther into the trails there started to be more bugs like worms and all different types of things. After walking about a long but short 2.5 miles we stopped and took a quick break. as we was on the break we went and observed a tunnel. This tunnel had a lot of webs and was dark. To me it was fun to be in their because it was cool in there. So then we start to walk again and explore more places in the trail like stones that were imprinted with words. so after our second break we started to walk back and i was happy becuase it was time to go home.

The Signs!
Wissahickon Park
A day at the wissahickon , the heat was unbarely hot. We walked with our tour guide who explained to us how the wissahickon park works. There's a rigid trail that we were optained to walk on. There was tree branches all other the trail wasnt clear to walk on , the water gave off this horrible smell. The water had a brownish green color to it indicating that is what in fact dirty.
My project is going to be on the Kelly drive I'm write about the path and how I can make them better. I will make more path for handicap people so there will not be know interfering with the biker.The biker path should have more space because on one path there should not be a lot of biker on one that is dangerous to.
Our days we spent at parks.
The days we spent at Wissahickon Park and Kelly Drive. Our new adventure at Kelly Drive and Wissahickon park was a lot different from the Benjamin Franklin Parkway because it was more woodsy and there were not a lot of people unlike the down center city area. The Parkway is a place that many of us are familiar with, so encountering bikers and joggers on a small trail was something I was not use to. Though, there were signs around that made it visible the walkway was also a trail for bikers and joggers, the signs were small and could easily go unnoticed. If you where in a wheel chair you may not be able to read the signs as well because they are so small and not at their eye level. I think they should built bigger signs and letters,and boxes with a speaker that tells you where you are. Even through there where changes that needed to be made at the park, overall the park was a interesting experience.
Taylor Nicole.
My tour to Kelly drive
Our trip to wissahickon park
- Our trip to Wissahickon park was fun but there are some changes that needed to be made. The trails needed to be clean and the bikers need their own trail.The reason the trail need to be clean because, there was trash on the trail and people where almost hit by bikers.The park also need some necessities for example, porter potty's and trash cans. The park is also good for a picnic area because Wissahickon Park has great sencary. There was this bridge that was not as stable. If I can solve this problem I would build a trail for pedestrain and handicap accessible. I think they would like to enjoy a little roll in the park. The erosion is terrible down at the wissahickon park because all the mud was killing the grass and flowers and that was not
a good thing.
Image Cited from

Our day at Kelly Drive
Another field trip. Today we are making our way to Kelly Drive to visit the city, and to learn about the different natures down at Kelly Drive. As were walking down the path ways there isn't any room for people to walk let along to ride there bikes on the trail. They have these signs showing people that they can ride there bikes and walk or jog. The signs are so small or hided behind things were your unable to see them. So Iam here to fix those problems and I can help people see them more clear.
Taylor Nicole
Our trip to the Wissahickon Park
Visiting the Wissahickon Park was a great adventure. During our hike we explore the park, it is a very cool and relaxing place to dwell in. To make the park a better environment for people, it will take a lot of work and commitment because of the problems that is occurring such as erosion, littering, dead trees and the lack of pathways for people to travel. The problems that I have encountered at the Wissahickon Park was the narrow pathways, because the pathway my group have been walking on, there were bikes traveling on the same path so my group had to move out of there way so that they can get through. The other problem that I've encounter was the access that people with disabilities have. There isn’t a lot of access for people with disabilities to get around, they would want to have the same assess that other people get to have like moving around freely with no complications. So these are the main problems that need to be improved so that the park can be a better and safer place for our citizens.
-Mohamed-Imran Alli
Another Day At The Park
This Friday when we went to the Wissahickon park we explored the great environment and we seek some of the improvements that could be made. We walked toward the Kelly Drive and on the way I noticed the erosion. This erosion had still been wet and seemed to had happen in that week. Then after I observed it I notice that it was still wet because that Thursday it had rained. As we walked on I noticed how there was only one porter potty the hole way along as we walked. Right then I thought to myself they should build a places where bathrooms and fountains could be so that people could stop for a break and get water or go to the bathroom. This walk had been interesting to me because the more I walked the more I noticed that there were a lot of thing that need to be done to the park. I noticed that there was not a bike lane and that the runners and bike riders both share the same road. To me this seemed to be strange because it could cause a lot of accidents and I was sure that plenty of accidents had already occurred.
Visting Wissahickon Park and Walking along Kelly Drive.
Our group ,G2 along with others, visited the Wissahickon Park on July 22, 2009. We were accompanied by a tour guide who walked with us along the trail while making stops to show different makers. Many of the stops along the way where marked by signs. many of the signs along the way were not visible until we were in close proximity. Although the signs were very small, each still held very important information for those on the trail.
On Friday July 24, 2009 our group and several others, walked along Kelly drive. Unlike our visit to the Wissahickon Park, we did not have a tour guide to guide us around the drive. Walking along the drive, I begin to notice that there are few signs along the path. The few signs that are along the path are rather small and may not be seen by someone passing. Like the signs in the Wissakickon Park, these sign too held information such as directions, how to get in contact with the police in case of an emergency, and things that you should be cautious of when walking or biking along the path. I believe that these sign have important information on them and should be visible to all that are passing. To improve this, I will be doing my project on the "signs."
My Project
On my project I showing why should the Wissahickon Park should have more signs. Also what types of sign they should have and more information on the signs. then I will create what the paek would look like with more signs on a program called sketch up.
The crosswalks, unsuitable sidewalks, and narrow pavements may have been a pain for me and my group, however I am certain that if I had problems on Kelly Drive someone with a disability also would have some difficulties. The places surrounding Kelly Drive are a wonderful site to see and observe so is definitely a place people should go and visit. However, with the limited space it would be hard for people walking, bikers, and people in wheel chairs to all be on the trail together. In order to make the park more assessable to people with disabilities I think the walk ways should be expanded so everyone that wants to enough the neighborhood is able to do so. In my project I attempt to make Kelly Drive a place for everyone to enjoy, by fixing the space problem as well as the issues with the pavement, I will do so with the help of Sketch Up. Though, I will be increasing walking space I will not decrease the green that surrounds the area.
week of 7/22-26/09
The map to wissahickon park
If we drove to Wissahickon park leaving from Temple University and arriving at Wissahickon Transfer center, it would take approximately 42 minutes. The actual route we are taking on regional Rail is somewhat longer the the estimated amount time if we were to drive there. I am guessing this is so because there is no traffic. We will be taking this route tomorrowas we make our way to the park.
A Day in Center city
Walking around in Center city was nothing new for me but exploring places and learning about their history was. When I went to Logans Squares I never knew that the things in the fountain represented people and places. Also I never knew that Logans Square was originally a square and not a circle. My supervisor told me they remodeled it to be a circle so that driving would be easier. I learned that Market street used to be named High street.
Today we learned about twitter. Ous instructor showed us exactly how twitter works, why use it and it's features. The instructor showed us her twitter and even advertised our blog on her twitter. So we should be getting a lot of followers. I can't wait to get a twitter.
The Park Way
Sadies"s walk was very different, and fun at the same time. Because we learned things that we never knew before and it was good to know for future reasons. I thought the trip was good for my coworkers and I to experience in our life's. It gave us to meet other people in our work place here.
taylor nicole.
what I learned yesterday By:Jethaniel Nixon
I learned that the Benfranklin parkway is a relaxed place and there was a fountan with a girl, man, and woman one rep delawer and another rep wissahickon and the last one rep the parkway. I also did alot of walking but i learned alot from this walk and i thik i'll go again.I hope the wissahickon park goes the same and i hope
to learn al
t more t
han i learned yesterday.