Our trip to the Wissahickon Park

Visiting the Wissahickon Park was a great adventure. During our hike we explore the park, it is a very cool and relaxing place to dwell in. To make the park a better environment for people, it will take a lot of work and commitment because of the problems that is occurring such as erosion, littering, dead trees and the lack of pathways for people to travel. The problems that I have encountered at the Wissahickon Park was the narrow pathways, because the pathway my group have been walking on, there were bikes traveling on the same path so my group had to move out of there way so that they can get through. The other problem that I've encounter was the access that people with disabilities have. There isn’t a lot of access for people with disabilities to get around, they would want to have the same assess that other people get to have like moving around freely with no complications. So these are the main problems that need to be improved so that the park can be a better and safer place for our citizens.

-Mohamed-Imran Alli


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G2: Working at Temple University

This group consist of 10 people:
Tony Dennis
Bryant Brogdon
Donnira Jones
Mohamed I. Alli
Tenika Thompson
Capre Robinson
Shalia Wallace