__Have you ever notice something new about a place that you been to hundreds of times? Well I saw an abundance of new things today as my group G2, took a three mile hike around The Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The three mile walk G2 took was in titled "Sadie's First Walk." Usually whenever I was in center city and found myself around tourist, I could not understood why they were taking pictures of the buildings and monuments that seem so ordinary to me. However, after one day of truly observing and enjoying Philadelphia I could understand now the want for some sort of remembrance of this even though I live here. There are new things being built everyday in this city and plenty of exciting things I have not encountered yet.
__One of Philadelphia's little secrets or aspects that I have never seen or notice till today were the Toynbee Men that were widespread around the city's pavements and street signs. I must admit I was completely lost when Dr. Masucci mentioned something called a Toynbee Man "shout out if you see Toynbee Men." "If I knew what they were I should would" I though to myself, but Dr. Masucci was actually the first one to point the flat robot looking men creature things out and with that she started a hunt to find more of the men. It seemed strange to me that the Toynbee never caught my eye, though I may have walked along side or even over them many times.
__There were many statues and fountains that I have seen in center city but never studied their every detail, for example The Holocaust Memorial, Swann Fountain, and even Love Park are some of the few however I knew they existed even if my experiences with the landmarks were brief. That is not the case with a place named "Logan Square," which is now more of a circle shape rather then a square it once was. Honestly, I did not have any kind of knowledge of this place until I was walking pass the strategically placed greenery, though Logan Circle is a handmade landmark it still is beautiful. Although, it was a spot for public executions, Logan Circle screams life with the tons of flowers and trees that bloomed around Swann Fountain (which I did not know was in Logan Circle).
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