1853.N17th st.

On our journey to find history , we walked alot ! After our first destination we had to walk a fewe blocks down. As we were walking we seen different stores and resturants , people were do irrans and some just posted up somewhere. I and Capre' walked in front of the group to know which streeet signs were which. We arrived at 17th street and there was a detour so we had to cross the street. We walked on the our side and started looking at our surrounds we passed the 22nd and 23rd district. Then we arrived there was construction on the side we were on so we crossed the street again. When we got there we expected like a old building or something; Instead it was a home bulit where the buliding use to be this foundation was called the OIC founded by Jesse . And it helped people get there lives in the right direction.

by: Donnira Jones "Dee"


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G2: Working at Temple University

This group consist of 10 people:
Tony Dennis
Bryant Brogdon
Donnira Jones
Mohamed I. Alli
Tenika Thompson
Capre Robinson
Shalia Wallace