
Yesterday ourselves and other groups took a trip to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. We started at City Hall, and made our way to the Art Museum. The groups were divided between our supervisor Laura and a tour guide (Dr. Bisutti) and her dog Sadie. As we walked we stopped at many different places like: Love Park, The Halocaust memorial, the schulkill river, and other statues and memorials that were both interesting to look at but also had interesting backgrounds. We reached the Art Museum (also famously known as the "Rocky steps"). Ofcourse I ran them but after I needed a rest. After our break we switched guides and Laura showed us staues ana explained thier meaning like the civil war monument and how it didn't completely represent evry soldier that fought in that war.

The walk itself was long and exhausting, but it was worth it to gain the knowledge we learned .


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G2: Working at Temple University

This group consist of 10 people:
Tony Dennis
Bryant Brogdon
Donnira Jones
Mohamed I. Alli
Tenika Thompson
Capre Robinson
Shalia Wallace